The official Team Kentucky source for information concerning COVID-19


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COVID-19 Vaccine

The COVID-19 Hotline (800) 722-5725 can answer general COVID-19 vaccine questions. 

The Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) supports Governor Andy Beshear’s prioritization of health care as a basic human right and believes every Kentucky family deserves to see a doctor and receive treatment.

Recognizing that COVID-19-related deaths currently rank third among causes of death in Kentucky, KDPH is planning for the equitable distribution of a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine that will advance Governor Beshear’s healthcare priority. Vaccine distribution details, including the number of doses and allocation plan, are expected to change frequently. Please visit this page for regular updates.

Kentucky COVID-19 Vaccine Monitoring

Updated Monday - Friday

Current as of January 13, 2021



State Program

Doses Received in KY


Doses Administered Statewide


Long Term Care Facilities (LTCF) Program

Doses Received by the LTCF Program


Doses Administered by the LTCF Program


Kentucky Draft COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan

On Sept. 16, the CDC released its COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim Playbook and template, requiring all U.S. states to submit an interim draft COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan by Oct. 16, 2020.

Kentucky’s Interim Draft Plan

Kentucky’s Vaccination Plan outlines the actions, roles, and responsibilities of state agencies and collaborating organizations that are necessary for a smooth and orderly COVID-19 vaccination distribution and administration process.

Read Our Plan

12.28.2020 Dr. Stack Press Conference Slides- Phase 1b Update 

01.04.2021 Vaccine Phases Update New

General COVID-19 Vaccine Information

When Vaccine is Limited, Who Gets Vaccinated First?

How CDC Is Making COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendations

V-Safe Information

Vaccine Safety Monitoring

COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacture Information

Billing, Costs and Reimbursement

Frequently Asked Questions

COVID-19 Vaccine- Frequently Asked Questions Updated

Kentucky Vaccination Plan- Frequently Asked Questions

Information for Kentuckians

The two-dose COVID-19 vaccination will be an important step to helping Kentucky get back to normal. It will also help set the course for a reimagined commonwealth where Wages, Health Care, Education, Retirement, and Leading by Example are prioritized. Our goal is to help keep Kentuckians healthy, safe, working, and back in classrooms.  As we await the delivery of large quantities of the vaccine, we want to continue to be transparent and share information as it becomes known.

Plans are being developed to make sure those who are most at-risk get the vaccine first. Also, plans will help make sure that vaccines are distributed in a fair, ethical and transparent way.

More vaccines will be available over the next few weeks and months. We will continue to provide updates about vaccine distribution when more vaccine doses become available.

Cost of the Vaccine

As the CDC playbook states, the expectation is that vaccine will be administered free of charge. Providers who enroll in KDPH’s COVID-19 vaccination program will receive vaccine at no cost and must agree to provide vaccine regardless of a patient’s availability to pay. Providers will have the opportunity to bill insurers for administration costs and to file a reimbursement claim to a fund set up by the Health Resources and Services Administration for vaccination of uninsured individuals.

CDC Vaccine Toolkit – For You and Your Family

The CDC has a number of COVID-19 vaccine resources to help you and your family understand the COVID-19 vaccine.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Emergency Use Authorizations

Immunization Action Coalition

Media Questions 

Information for the media 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
